Monday, January 19, 2009

Do You Know What Annoys Me? People Like Me!

So I almost, ALMOST did the very thing I loathe. Namely, writing a post as a complaint and a rant against something/someone (in this case Rick Warren's non-humble vibe today as he preached - not a pretty thing in a Christian pastor) that I think has it all wrong, but I caught myself almost in time.

Blogs are such an easy place to mock others with derision and with impunity because probably everyone reading your words heartily agrees with you. So there's little risk of accountability.

And most of the time the thing being "pointed out" or the person being "called out" for hypocricy, heresy, or stupidity is nothing more than a strong man, a caricature of the real person or situation...

It's easy to have a one sided cultural commentary, and I know a nmber of blogs (not just the tabloidy ones) that claim to have lofty goals and pursue truth, but really, behind it, is a sense of, "We get it, they don't."

I hate that. But then, with this very post, I find myself doing the same thing to these anonymous bloggers. Let us hope it is the last time on this blog.

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