Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Grilled Mexican corn, Café Habana (New York City)

Just because we didn't conceive of this particular dish ourselves, those of us raised in the Deep South (in the US, that is) can greatly appreciate the Mexican version of corn on the cob.

Corn is my Georgia-native dad's favorite vegetable, and fresh corn, properly prepared (on or off the cob) is one of my favorites as well.

If you are in New York City and happen upon a street fair in the spring or fall, grilled corn is a must. They also do a great job with it at Cafe Habana in the NoLIta neighborhood of Manhattan.


  1. This looks incredible. I've had grilled corn on the cob before, but it never looks that good!

    Found your blog via your comment on my guest post on Kitchn the other day. On cultivating morel hunting friends: both of the guys I know that do it are...well, they're the kind of guys you'd want to know if modern civilization collapsed. Both grew up in the country hunting and fishing and living off the land, etc. So you're looking for that kind of friend!

    But truly, with corn that looks that good you're not missing much even if you have to get your morels at the store!

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