Thursday, January 29, 2009

NYC Central Park Reservoir

I walk across Central Park along the North side of the Reservoir about 2 mornings a week from 6:30-7am. This time of year I am walking across just before dawn. (Sunrise today was at 7:06). It's my favorite time of day and year to take this walk. It is dark and cold. The wind bites my face when I reach the East side of the Resevoir. Right now the water itself is frozen over. There are footprints of small animals across it. When I am walking, sky is beginning to glow, but the lights in the buildings are still on. It feels like a magic moment. There are only a few people out, runners mostly, and there can be long stretches where you can't see another person. It doesn't feel creepy to be alone, like it does so many other places in the city. It doesn't feel dangerous.
It is immensely peaceful.
Sometimes I can see geese and ducks napping. I've even seen a raccoon. Pictures can't quite do it justice. I feel closer to God on this walk than virtually any other time during the day. It just feels right.

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